Sputtered and otherwise deposited a-Si for Fabricating passivated screen- printed contacts for an indUstrially feasible productioN

Project summary

The overall aim of the project is to provide highly performing photovoltaics and reduce the cost of solar technology. Therefore, we selected the EpiWafer process (epitaxially grown Si wafers) to produce highly cost-effective Si wafers and combine them with a high efficiency silicon solar cell process based on the approach of passivated contacts and screen-printing metallization. Therefore, this project develops and characterizes on the one hand a specific gettering process and on the other hand screen-printing metal pastes for contacting doped polycrystalline or amorphous Si layers.




Funding Agency

Contract No. and Title

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany

Integration of screen-printing based metallisation and gettering processes of EpiWafers in a solar cell process with passivated contacts

Advanced industrial PV technologies

Electron beam evaporation and laser crystallization of silicon for passivated screen printed contacts

RIjksdienst voor Ondernemend, Nederland

Sputtered and otherwise deposited a-Si for fabricating passivated screen-printed contacts for an industrially feasible production

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