Current news



Verbundvorhaben KOBRA,

Kontaktierung von n-Typ polySi basierend auf Barriereschichten gegen Al-eindiffusion, gestartet.

Verbundvorhaben DETEKTIV

Detaillierte Defektanlyse von EpiWafern zur Verbesserung ihrer kristallographisschen und elektronischen Qualität, gestartet.

Verbundvorhaben APERO

APCVD für Perovskitsolarzellen, genehmigt. Unter Leitung von Dr. Barbara Terheiden ist das gemeinsam mit der AG Schmidt-Mende bearbeitete Vorhaben gestartet.

Collaborative project PEPSI started

The sub project of University of Konstanz, gettering by porous silicon for an enhancement of charge carrier lifetime of p-type epitaxial silicon wafer, deals with the development of etching processes. Those processes form a porous silicon, that getters in the later reorganisation and epitaxy process different kinds of defects enabling an enhancement in charge carrier lifetime of epitaxially grown silicon wafers to above state of the art levels.

Solar-Era-Net project FUN started

The overall aim of the collaborative project, Sputtered and otherwise deposited a-Si for Fabricating passivated screen-printed contacts for an indUstrially feasible productioN, is to provide highly performing photovoltaics and reduce the cost of solar technology. Therefore, we selected the EpiWafer process (epitaxially grown Si wafers) to produce highly cost-effective Si wafers and combine them with a high efficiency silicon solar cell process based on the approach of passivated contacts and…

SUPER PV workshop

Online SUPER PV workshop on power electronics organized by the partners Uni Konstanz and Uni Ljubljana supported by partner WIP, was a great success to get in touch with hands-on experiments

Collaborative project RALPH started

The sub project at University of Konstanz, laser processes for selectivity of functional layers, aims at the development of laser processes for a simplification of an IBC solar cell process. The implementation of a laser process step before a high temperature step allows to completely abandoning masking processes to obtain a local doping without harming the solar cell power at all. The costs for a production line and consumables for cell manufacturing can be reduced significantly.

Beteiligung am EU-Projekt SUPER PV

EU-Projekt SUPER PV ist gestartet. 26 Partner bearbeiten das Vorhaben mit dem Titel "CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems"